Shall be used only for mods that are likely to get broken, like a map mods. If the list is present and the game version does not match any version from that list, the user will be unable to use the mod and he will have to wait for author to update it. For possible text formatting see section "DESCRIPTION OF YOUR MOD" Content of the description file is shown in mod details window and should include information about usage of your mod, additional credits of included mods etc. Description file has to be simple text file with. Name of file inside the root of the mod package directory which contains the description text.

If none is specified mod is assigned to "Others" category. If you use more than two only first two will be used. Currently we limit categories up to 2 per mod. If none is specified name of the package without extension is used. Cutting will simply cut the string at some point and add "." at the end of the string to mention that there is more content but it does not fit there. To avoid problems we perform cutting of the values to fit the UI. We do not limit attributes by length but some places where those meta data are displayed have limited space. # compatible_versions: "1.19.*" # Mod is compatible with 1.19.X. # Description file inside the root directory of the mod. # Icon inside the root directory of the mod. # Author can be any string with any length. # Display name can be any string with any length. # Package version can be any string with any length. # Please keep this form to not make any conflicts with other mod packages (name collisions). # ".package_name" does not matter as the dot at the beginning of the file means that this unit is anonymous. To set all meta data information you will need to create "manifest.sii" containing "mod_package" unit definition file in your mod package. You can specify description, icon image and much more. Meta data are used by mod manager to display your mod to the user. Inside the package you can define manifest file containing meta data about the mod. We recommend using normal directories for development of the mod and using zip archives for mod release, to make mod size smaller and more handy for end-user (on file vs.